Does Group Size Matter
As you may or may not know, I have been working as the Head of Strength & Conditioning for Bay Area Christian School for 2 and half years. I work with the high school male [...]
Better not Tired
I have always said that our goal as strength and/or performance coaches should be to make our athletes better. More specifically better on their field of play, it matters little if your football player can [...]
Foundation of Movement
The need to teach a developmental age child the importance of reading and writing or the importance of basic addition and subtraction skills has never come into question. In fact the exact opposite is true, [...]
Identity, who are we?
I was recently given Tim Tebow’s new book, Shaken, as a Christmas present from my sister-n-law. Tim Tebow’s college football career began right as mine was ending so I was still very much immersed in [...]
Why is Core Important?
My entire athletic career, every work out I did ended the same, with some type of core exercises. If you are anything like me, by this point in the work out you where close to [...]
Jaxson Appel Speed and Agility Training
JASAT is designed teach proper running fundamentals to athletes of all sports